Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Ideal Contraceptive

Hello guys! Through this post I am going to explain the concept of ideal Contraceptive.

What are the properties of an Ideal Contraceptive?
A. It should be effective in preventing conception.
B. It should be reliable.
C. It should protect against STDs.
D. It should be free from allergic reactions to the genitalia.
E. It should be easily available.
F. It should be cheaper.
G. It must not interfere with the sexual pleasure of the couple.
H. It should give privacy.
I. It should require minimal medical intervention for its application.
J. It should be reversible.

Although use of male condom provides the above properties to some extent. Hence Male Condom is considered as the most ideal Contraceptive method.

Effectiveness of Contraceptive means only its ability to reduce the chances of Conception /Pregnancy. The permanent surgical methods like Tubectomy and Vasectomy has least chances of conception, hence most effective Contraceptive method is Surgical methods. Although this method has poor reversibility.

Points to be noted -
- Use of a single condom twice is contraindicated.
- Use of male and female condoms together is contraindicated.
- Use of oil based lubricant with condoms is contraindicated.
- Proper techniques of insertion, removal and disposal of condoms is the weakest link in reducing the effectiveness of Condoms.

That's all!

MD Mobarak Hussain (Maahii)

Thursday, July 20, 2017


Thrombocyte =Platelets

Normal Count of platelets = 1.5-3 lakhs /mm3

If the platelet count is reduced, we call it thrombocytopenia. If the platelet count is increased we call it thrombocytosis.

One common cause of thrombocytopenia is DENGUE.

Features of thrombocytopenia -
1. Increased bleeding tendency
2. Haemorrhages
3. Epistaxis
4. Petechiae
5. Purpura
In aplastic anemia - we have anemia + thrombocytopenia + leukocytopenia.

I hope this concept helps you all.

Thank you

-Md Mobarak Hussain (Maahii)