Friday, October 28, 2016

Diabetes- Latest Update

Diabetes- Latest Update

  •  28/10/2016: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) in collaboration with the WHO Country Office for India and other partners, has launched a mobile health initiative for the prevention and care of diabetes – mDiabetes.
  • mDiabetes will contribute to improving awareness about diabetes and promoting healthy diets and active lifestyle, which are vital to the prevention of diabetes.
  • mDiabetes will also enhance health care seeking and early diagnosis, contribute to better adherence to drug or dietary control, self-care, as well as prevention of complications among patients with diabetes.
  • Similar to the mCessation programme for tobacco cessation, individuals may register for mDiabetes by giving a missed call to 011-22901701. Alternatively, one may register online on the National Health Portal web site.
  • The web site has a Diabetes Risk calculator based on the Indian Diabetes Risk Score (IDRS) developed by Dr. M V Mohan and colleagues in Chennai, among other useful information.
  • The IDRS is a simple way to assess risk of developing diabetes among undiagnosed persons, and includes only four parameters- Age, Abdominal obesity, Family history of diabetes, and Physical activity.
  • A follow-up study by Dr. Mohan and colleagues showed that the IDRS is more effective and less expensive than performing OGTT or genetic phenotyping on the entire population for the detection of diabetes.

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