Thursday, October 20, 2016



Question 1
A certain patient is suspected to be suffering from Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Which diagnostic technique will you recommend for its detection?
D.Ultra sound

Question 2
Common cold is not cured by antibiotics because it is-
A.Caused by a Gram-negative bacterium
B.Not an infectious disease
C.Caused by a virus
D.Caused by a Gram-positive bacterium

Question 3
Which of the following diseases is due to an allergic reaction?
A.Enteric fever
B.Hay fever
C.Skin cancer

Question 4
Which of the following is a pair of viral diseases?
A.Typhoid, Tuberculosis
B.Ringworm, AIDS
C.Common Cold, AIDS
D.Dysentery, Common Cold

Question 5
Common cold differs from pneumonia in, that
A.Pneumonia is caused by a virus while the common cold is caused by the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae
B.Pneumonia pathogen infects alveoli whereas the common cold affects nose and respiratory passage but not the lungs
C.Pneumonia is a communicable disease whereas the common cold is a nutritional deficiency disease
D.Pneumonia can be prevented by a live attenuated bacterial vaccine whereas the common cold has no effective vaccine

Question 6
Cirrhosis of liver is caused by the chronic intake of
A.Tobacco (Chewing)

Question 7
Motile zygote of Plasmodium occurs in
A.Human RBCs
B.Human liver
C.Gut of female Anopheles
D.Salivary glands of Anopheles

Question 8
Swine Flu is caused by
C. Herpes zoster
D. Mumps virus

Question 9
Infection of Ascaris occurs due to ?
A.Contaminated food and water
B. Mosquito bite
C. Tse-tse fly
D.  Sand fly         

Question 10
Disease existing at or before birth is called?
A. Congenital
B. Communicable
C. Noncommunicable
D. None of these


1. B. ELISA- Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay - used to detect HIV. It is not a confirmatory test, only screening test. Confirmatory test is Western Blot test.
WIDAL done for Typhoid.
MRI for soft tissues.
USG for visceral examination.

2. C. Common cold is a viral disease (rhinoviruses). Highly infectious. Viral diseases have no effect by antibiotics.

3. B. Hay fever- Allergic rhinitis (High levels of IgE)

4. C. common cold and AIDS
 Typhoid- Salmonella typhi (B) Tuberculosis - Mycobacterium tuberculosis   (B)
Ringworm - fungus Dysentry can be viral and bacterial.

5. B. NCERT statement

6. D. Alcohol- Liver cirrhosis is due to chronic alcohol intake.

7. C. Gut of female anophles. See the life cycle chart provided in WhatsApp Programme.

8. B. H1N1 strain of Orthomyxovirus 
H is for hemaglutinnin
N is for neuraminidase

9. A. Infection occurs by eating food or drink contaminated with Ascaris eggs from feces.

10. A. Congenital - By birth.


M1. Black water fever is a special manifestation of malaria caused by;
       a. P. falciparum
       b. P. malariae
       c. P. ovale
       d. P. vivax 
M2. After sporozoite gain entrance to human body it undergoes developmental cycle first in          liver than in RBC, only after which fever is seen. This incubation period varies between         plasmodium species, and ………….. species has longest incubation period.
       a. P. falciparum
       b. P. malariae
       c. P. ovale
       d. P. vivax
M3.For which one among the following diseases no vaccine is yet available?
      A. measles
      B. mumps
      C. tetanus 
      D. malaria
M4. Infective stage of Malaria is ?
      a. Sporozoites- round shaped
      b. Sporozoites - sickle shaped
      c. Sporozoites- Oval shaped
      d. Sporozoites- Discoid shaped.
M5. Which of the following is not a complication of Malaria?
      a. Cerebral infection
      b. Pneumonia
      c. Renal failure
      d. Anemia
M6. Relapse of Malaria is seen in infections with?
      a. P. vivax
      b. P. ovale 
      c. Both a and b
      d. All plasmodium species.
M7. Preparation of thin film in microscopic diagnosis of malaria is done for?
      a. Identifying the species of Plasmodium
      b. Counting the density of Plasmodium/cubic mm
      c. Watching the response of treatment
      d. Watching the severity of damage of RBCs
M8. World Malaria Day is celebrated on?
      a. 15th April 
      b. 15th May
      c. 25th April
      d. 25th May
M9. Introduction of which fish is used in Biological control of larvae of Plasmodium?
      a. Cichlid 
      b. Gambusia affinis
      c. Common carp
      d. Mahi-Mahi
M10. Under NVBDCP, chemical are sprayed in the larva-breeding sources to control malaria in how many days interval?
      a. Daily
      b. Monthly
      c. Yearly
      d. Weekly

M1. A. P. Falciparum - causes recrudescence of malaria causing fever , damage to kidneys leading to haemoglobinuria- hence called black water fever.
M2. B. P. Malariae has longest incubation period.
M3. D. Malaria
M4. B. Sporozoites are sickle shaped- stored in salivary gland of anophles.
M5. B.Pneumonia is not a complication of malaria. Cerebral malaria, damage to RBCs , renal failure (Black water fever) is seen as complication of malaria.
M6. C. Both P. ovale and P. vivax can cause relapse through formation of hypnozoites.
M7. A. Identification of species is done through the thin film microscopy.
M8. C. 25th April
M9. B. Gambusia affinis-It feeds on mosquito larvae- used as biological control method of malaria.

M10. D. Weekly- 6 diseases comes under NVBDCP (National Vector borne disease control programme) - MALARIA, JE, DENGUE, FILARIASIS, CHIKENGUNYA, KALAZAR. Weekly chemical larvicides are sprayed under this programme (Malathion, Temephos etc). 

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