Sunday, October 16, 2016


#WhatsApp Learning Program
Q. 'Nischay kit'  provided by Government of India to the ASHA under National Rural Health Mission is meant for?
A. Safe delivery at home
B. Rapid diagnostic kit for Malaria
C. Rapid sputum analysis for tuberculosis
D. Pregnancy testing kit.

#Use of Google prohibited.

ANSWER:- It was good when someone said "Sir !!! Only Google was prohibitted,I had options of Internet explorer, Opera mini and UC Browser.

  • NISCHAY KIT- Pregnancy detection kit
  • I will make it simple for you all to remember- Nischay- means decision- Pregnancy kit. Nikshay- "shay" means 'infection'- TB
  • I will make it simpler - niKshay- K for 'KITANU' means bacteria = TB
  • I will make it simplest- Just remember "Akshay(Nikshay) Kumar can get TB but he can never get pregnant" 

Nishchay- A GOI Program Under NRHM MOHFW, Govt. of India:

Nishchay- A GOI Program Under NRHM MOHFW, Govt. of India Roll out by Hindustan Latex Family Planning Promotion Trust (HLFPPT)

  • What is Nishchay? Identifies presence of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in urine Manufactured by Hindustan Latex Limited (HLL)


    Genesis Govt. of India introduced “Nishchay – Home based pregnancy test card” across the country Nishchay is not a product but a program. Intends to link women to timely RCH and F.P. services.


    Genesis Nishchay would be available to all eligible women FREE OF COST Kit will be made available through public health care system Rural women will get kit through ASHA/ANM in the village itself.

    Objective of the program:

    Objective of the program Early detection of pregnancy rather than waiting for physical symptoms to show up. Early registration of pregnant woman and early initiation of ante natal care. Enhanced decision making ability regarding continuation of pregnancy. Increased scope to avail Family Planning Services

    Rationale of the program:

    Rationale of the program To address the anxiety due to delayed or missed menstrual cycle and offer a simple home based test card through which she herself can detect her pregnancy status, rather than awaiting for physical symptoms to come up.

    What is hCG ?:

    What is hCG ? A glycoprotein hormone secreted by developing placenta shortly after implantation Can be identified 6-15 days after conception

    hcg (contd.):

    hcg (contd.) hCG is measured in milii-international units per mili- litre (mlU/ml) With Nishchay Pregnancy Test Card, hCG level above 25mlU/ml gives positive result

    hCG (contd.):

    hCG (contd.) Concentration of hCG increases to 50 mIu/ml one week post implantation Reaches around 100 mIu/ml at the time of first missed menstrual period Reaches peak at 1,00,000 to 2,00,000 mIu/ml at the end of first trimester

    hCG (contd.):

    hCG (contd.) Test utilizes combination of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies reagents to selectively detect elevated hCG level in urine

    hCG (contd.):

    hCG (contd.) Immunological specificity of the test card virtually eliminates cross reactivity interferences from the structurally related glycoprotein hormones FSH, LH, TSH at physiological levels

    hCG (contd):

    hCG ( contd) Level of HCG should not be used to date a pregnancy.

    Key Issues:

    Key Issues Low percent of women starting ANC in first trimester due to late detection Contraceptive Provisioning (IUD/Pill) not started after ruling out pregnancy High unsafe abortions due to late detection


    NISCHAY Access to “5 minutes pregnancy test kit” through ASHA and or PHCs and Sub- Centres An Entry Point for women to access Quality RCH & Family Planning Services. Outreach communication of “5 minutes pregnancy test”
  • If a female urine is hCG positive , she is pregnant (good news)
  • If a male urine is hCG positive, he is suffering from a testicular cancer/tumor (worst news)


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